Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is every Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Reconciliation Room behind the sanctuary. Two adorers volunteer each hour to be in His presence. Others are welcome to stop in at any time during Adoration to pray. Prayer books, inspirational reading material and rosaries are welcome.
Liz Friedrich 783-6223
This ministry involves decorating the church for the various liturgical seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and of course Ordinary Time). Primarily this means flower arrangements for the altar, lectern, and the Statue of Mary, as well as display and care of live plants both in the sanctuary and the vestibule. Banners are also displayed at various liturgies. Wall hangings are currently on a seasonal schedule.
Gifts for this ministry may include: love and appreciation for the liturgy and an awareness of the seasons within the church calendar; interest and talent in flowers and flower arranging; creative ability in the making of banners and wall hangings.
Availability to work weekdays and an occasional Saturday is helpful. Also, one needs to be available at special times prior to the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Holy Week.
The vestments and linens used for liturgical celebrations require constant cleaning and care to keep them suitable for worship. This group washes, irons and repairs the liturgical vestments and linens. Periodically, there is also a need to upgrade and renew vestments, apparel and linens required for our Catholic rites.
Service at Mass is a very special privilege open to anyone in grade 4 and up. You will be scheduled according to your Mass preference. Training is provided once a year. Altar servers contribute immeasurably to the dignity of our liturgical celebrations by their service at the altar. They are privileged to serve in close unity with Christ and experience an intimate relationship with God, whose worship they assist.
Once each week members of this group vacuum, dust and straighten up the altar and choir areas, reconciliation room and entryways surrounding the altar. They vacuum and clean counters and sinks in both sacristies.
The Amazing Grace Choir is always looking for enthusiastic people who want to develop a deeper appreciation for prayer through music.
We sing at the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday (we meet at 3:00 p.m.) and rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Previous experience is not necessary, just a desire to learn and a willingness to make the commitment.
We sing all styles of music from contemporary to gospel, from classical to jazz. We strive to be liturgically correct and to make sure our music selection reflects the readings each week.
Don‘t sing or play an instrument? We have a spot for you as well. We love to use different instrumentation in our songs. We are also looking for a pianist to accompany the choir.
The Celebration Choir supports the music liturgy at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays. They hold rehearsals every Thursday night from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and meet at 8:45 a.m. Sunday mornings. The choir consists of 15 to 20 dedicated members who also perform special roles as cantors, organist, pianist, percussion and hand bell players, instruments players, and special directors.
With supporting the Liturgy of the Word as the primary purpose, the choir director uses the lectionary to plan music and songs that are always appropriate for the season, be it ordinary time or a special feast or holy day.
The Celebration Choir always prepares a special celebration in music for Christmas that is performed before the Christmas Eve Mass for the enjoyment of the gathering worshippers.
The final role of the Celebration Choir is to provide fellowship, friendship and prayer assistance to the members of the group and the parish. Some of the members have been together for over 10 years. They all feel like extended family members and reach out to others inside and out of the group to encourage them to follow the Catholic faith.
Confirmed dedicated Catholic men and women are appointed to this ministry. They assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, as well as taking the Eucharist to those who are ill or confined in hospitals, nursing homes or at home. Eucharistic ministers serve by appointment of the pastor and must attend an initial and an annual installation ceremony.
Greeters and ushers are the “official” hosts of our parish. They are present at church entrances to welcome all, especially strangers and newcomers who enter for weekend Masses. They hand out bulletins and offer assistance to those with questions or special needs. Each greeter arrives 15 minutes before Mass.
Men and women who have a great desire to proclaim God’s word are provided the opportunity to participate in the Liturgy of the Mass by being lectors. The lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass. It is Christ who speaks when Holy Scripture is read aloud in the church. Thus, lectors are privileged to assume the role of God’s heralds in announcing the good news of salvation. The proclamation of the scriptures fosters a greater love for the word and deeper insight into its meaning, allowing others to live God’s work in their lives, at home and at work. Special instructions are available for those interested in this ministry. Lectors serve by appointment of the pastor and attend an initial and an annual installation of ceremony.
This music group is dedicated to worship as an accompaniment to the congregation as we join Heaven in song during the Mass. We try to incorporate both contemporary Christian music and traditional hymns in our worship music. The group practices from 3:30-5:00 p.m. on Sundays, which may change after September 2014.
The Mary and Martha Prayer Group meets every Wednesday from 1:30-3:00 p.m. For more than 20 years, this group has met together for prayer and study of the Sunday Scripture Readings. On the third Wednesday of the month, the group meets for lunch at a local restaurant. The priests are hosted for this social time. All the women cherish the support in their faith-walk that they receive from this time of study, prayer and socializing.
At the Parish of the Holy Spirit, the morning Rosary is recited every day following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The Rosary is preceded by the Angelus prayer. During the Rosary, a different person leads each decade of the Rosary through to its completion. This prayer session is open to everyone.
Moms & Friends is a group of moms with children who come together to pray, support each other, have guest speakers at meetings, play at the park, attend a monthly Mom’s Night Out, represent the parish and participate in charitable causes within the community. We set up Meal Trains for new and expectant mothers or those experiencing family emergencies. We put on the annual Easter egg hunt at the parish, and the group has adopted a Christmas family each year.
The Prayer Chain ministry is an opportunity to join a network of compassionate people who are committed to lifting up the congregation and community in prayer. When a parishioner submits a prayer request (for themselves, family, loved ones, etc.), it is received by the Prayer Chain Coordinator who then relays the request to the team. As a member of the Prayer Chain, you would receive a phone call with the prayer request, and then pass it along to the next chain member (in the phone tree) and then you pray. While in other parish ministries we may take action on our own needs or the needs of the Church, Prayer Chain is an opportunity to take action on the needs of our parishioners and community. We are very happy and feel blessed when we are able to share the fruits of our prayers. We welcome your participation in this blessed ministry of prayer.
Projector operators are responsible for operating projectors to support the liturgy during weekend and Holy Day Masses, weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross and all services where slides are being used/needed. The operators arrive 15 minutes before the Mass/service to turn on the computers/projectors and open the PowerPoint presentation files making sure you are aware of the celebrant and choir’s requirements for the service. There is a one-hour training session given to all new operators.
People on the refreshment committee serve coffee, lemonade, and cookies following Mass. When assigned, volunteers should arrive about 15 minutes before Mass, so they can open the kitchen and prepare the refreshments. Following Mass, they immediately report to the kitchen and open the roll-up window and assist with serving. This normally takes about 15-20 minutes, after which they clean any equipment and utensils used.
Parishioners who volunteer will be sent a schedule with their assigned date and time. Volunteers are asked which Mass they prefer. A short training session is held with all volunteers prior to their first assignment. Volunteers can expect to serve once every two to three months.
People on the refreshment committee serve coffee, lemonade, and cookies following Mass. When assigned, volunteers should arrive about 15 minutes before Mass, so they can open the kitchen and prepare the refreshments. Following Mass, they immediately report to the kitchen and open the roll-up window and assist with serving. This normally takes about 15-20 minutes, after which they clean any equipment and utensils used.
Parishioners who volunteer will be sent a schedule with their assigned date and time. Volunteers are asked which Mass they prefer. A short training session is held with all volunteers prior to their first assignment. Volunteers can expect to serve once every two to three months.
We sew banners, vestments and altar cloths/linens for liturgical services. We also help with sewing projects for other ministries as needed. If you like to sew, we would welcome your help.
Small Church Communities are one of the most effective ways we have of helping Catholics connect their belief in God to the daily events of their lives. They are often the missing link that Catholics have been looking for between their personal lives of prayer and goodness and the life of the parish. Small Church Communities are a place where Catholics can speak to one another at a more personal level, where Scriptures can be applied to the specific events of our lives, and where mutual love and support can be offered. Small Church Communities do this for their members. Our parish has a number of Small Church Communities.
The Knights of Columbus, through the gentle prompting of our Blessed Mother, formed the Tuesday evening Rosary in the year 2000. With very few exceptions, this group has met every week to pray the Rosary since the group’s origin. A scriptural Rosary is prayed, and each week a different mystery is chosen on a rotating basis. Following the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed, followed by the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. We conclude the service by joining hands and praying for special petitions.
The Tuesday evening prayer group shares their faith and love for our Blessed Mother. She always leads her children, with their thoughts and prayers, to her loving Son, Jesus. Everyone who feels this love is invited to this prayer session to join in praising God for the gifts and blessings that have been received through the intercession of Mary. The Tuesday evening Rosary prayer group meets at 6:30 p.m. in the church reconciliation room.
This organization of parish members provides the ushering service at the celebration of Mass and other ceremonies. Their main task is to welcome all as they come to celebrate and see to their needs. Their other duties include taking up the collection and inviting a family to present the offertory gifts.
Before Mass, the ushers open all doors, dim lights in the back of the church and make sure the church is in proper order. During communion they keep an eye on women’s purses or any valuables left behind. After Mass, they make sure the money baskets are taken to the locked room where the money is counted by the tabulators. They also pick up all discarded materials, bulletins, toys, valuables, etc. They inform the pastor where any valuables have been placed.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas – Court Saint Anne #2575 – was chartered on October 21, 2006. We donate to charities, provide opportunities for our youth programs and strive to “be helping hands” in our parish and community. Our members mainly attend Holy Spirit, but not exclusively. We meet at 9:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month in the Parish Community Center. Our court is involved in many ministries in our parish and in the community. Our meetings and membership are open to all Catholic women 18 or older.
Founded in 1881, the Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Fraternal Organization in the world, with over 1.8 million members. The order was founded by a Catholic priest, with several aims such as strengthening the faith of Catholic men, uniting them in service to the Church and community, and providing for the financial needs of families in the event that the father passed away. Membership in the Knights is open to all Catholic men age 18 or older.
The main principles of the order are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. The financial strength of the Knights rests with its insurance program. Protecting Catholic families with insurance has been a central part of the Knights mission since its founding.
The Knights supports all parts of parish activities. They provide financial support to Catholic educational institutions, members of the Clergy and Seminarians. They also serve the community through the Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program (KC-HELP), which provides free in-home hospital equipment for anyone who needs the equipment if it is not covered by insurance.
To learn more about our local council and its activities, visit the website at www.rc.net/washington/kofc10653
The Knotty Ladies & Gents is a group of women (and sometimes men) from Tri-Cities parishes who gather once per month to make beaded rosaries for distribution to Third World countries. The group raises money by selling rosaries in local parishes.
All women of our parish are members of the women’s group. There are no dues or meetings, and everyone is welcome to help out. Activities supported by the women’s group include:
Serve lunch at spring and fall church cleanups
Conduct the spring and fall rummage sales
Bring food, set up tables, and handle cleanup for funeral meals provided for parish families
Sponsor & set up “Teddy Bear Tree” at Christmas
Put together items, set up and conduct the Christmas Raffle for fundraising efforts
Adopt a family at Christmas
Coordinate the annual parish Epiphany Party
Each year at Christmas we (as groups or individuals) adopt a family, providing them with food and a gift for each family member. Our Thanksgiving collection is given as gift certificates for use at an area grocery store to assist these adopted families.
The Women’s Group gathers names from the community and matches Holy Spirit families/groups with them.
Children are a gift and a blessing from God. It is the purpose of the nursery to care for and educate all children with the respect due to any of His creations. We will achieve this by having loving staff members.
The nursery has a paid part-time supervisor and volunteer staff.
The Christmas Raffle is organized by the Women’s Group to collect money for the Adopt-a-Family and other projects.
In December after select Masses, raffle items are displayed and raffle tickets are sold. The Women’s Group needs help with donations of raffle items, the display of the items, and the selling of tickets.
The Cursillo has a goal to change the world, remake the world in Christ and restore all things to Christ. The Cursillo has a strategy of structuring and supporting Christian life in every environment. This program involves a weekend program, which is followed by small and large group meetings for prayer, sharing and teaching.
The Women’s Group coordinates all the details of the annual Epiphany Party after Christmas to commemorate the adoration of the magi and to celebrate the manifestation of God to man.
At Holy Spirit Parish, each family planning a funeral is provided with a meal following the service. There are two ways to help with this compassionate and caring ministry: Volunteer to provide food or help by serving the meal. Volunteers are placed on a list and you will be called in rotation as needed. This ministry can always use more hands.
Our mission is to provide resources to inspire, enlighten and enrich the members of our parish and the faith community. Join our library ministry and share your special skills:
Marriage Encounter is a positive and personal experience that offers couples techniques for loving communication, which they can use for the rest of their lives. It is an opportunity to look deeply into your relationship with each other and God.
Marriage Encounter weekends are held at various times throughout the Diocese. There are support groups and social activities held on a local level for encountered couples. Marriage Encounter enables you to make a good marriage better.
Twice yearly, the Women’s Group holds a rummage sale (fall and spring). We need volunteers to set up and work at the sale. Donations of household items, clothing, and miscellaneous items are solicited for sale.
Each Wednesday evening during Lent, the parish hosts a soup supper. This ministry coordinates the supper with groups who prepare the soup, serve the meal, and clean up after the meal. Individuals bring bread to share at their table. A short program follows the meal.
Bulk mailings are done three to four times a year for the “Voice of the Spirit” newsletter and at the end of the summer when Religious Education registration packets are sent. Other special letters or information may be sent to all parishioners.
Plan to spend about one to two hours to put out a mailing. It is fun to sit and visit with others while doing this simple but necessary task. This is a ministry of service that touches many lives.
Special skills are any kind of talent you may have that isn’t specifically described within any of our ministries. Whether it is advertising, computer, accounting, painting, or any other talent, please identify your special skills and offer them to our parish.
Voice of the Spirit is a parish newsletter that is published twice per year. It covers items of interest in the parish, focusing on many aspects of our parishioners and their lives and activities.
Participation in putting out this newsletter includes writing, contributing photos, getting it to the printer, and mailing. The newsletter is provided to all registered parishioners.
This is a paid position responsible for assisting anyone renting the PCC by providing information, completing required paperwork, insuring that users are trained in lighting and kitchen use, and rules for use of the hall.
The scheduler coordinates five of the Mass ministries: Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters and Projector Operators. The contact rosters for these ministries are kept current and advance schedules are provided to all ministers.
The wedding coordinator assists the families of the bride and groom with the details and logistics of holding a wedding at the church. Duties include planning for the rehearsal and ceremony; communicating with musicians and photographer; setting up the vestibule, and any other tasks, as needed.
Hunger exists every day in our community. Holy Spirit parishioners have an opportunity each time they come to church to drop nonperishable food in the designated Food Bank box in the vestibule. Each week, the donated food is delivered to the Tri-Cities Food Bank for distribution.
KC Help stands for Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program. We provide at no charge, in-home hospital equipment from bedpans to wheelchairs for anyone who needs equipment that is not covered by their insurance.
The purpose of this ministry is to share the Word of God with inmates at the Benton County Jail through the Holy Scriptures. Members of this ministry meet with inmates for approximately 45 minutes twice per week.
Volunteers bring bulletin inserts and other appropriate reading material for the inmates. Coming to the meeting is voluntary for inmates and requires them to use a portion of their limited free time, but discussions are very meaningful.
Deacon Eric Shaber
Our group works year-round to provide assistance to those in need within our community. By conducting home visits using teams of two or more Vincentians, we are able to assess the real needs of our clients and determine the best help to provide.
If you hear the cry of the poor, please consider joining our organization. We have many different roles to fill with no experience required!
The Finance Committee promotes good stewardship through management of parish financial resources. The Finance Council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in parish financial management.
The Finance Committee supports the good governance of the parish by providing accountability to the diocese and parishioners. Members should have knowledge of parish resources, mission, goals, and Diocesan statutes and policies regarding financial matters.
The Parish Pastoral Council is the advisory and consultation council of the pastor. The pastor governs the parish with the help of the Parish Pastoral Council, whose guiding concern in all of its deliberations is a commitment to self-sacrificing communion and stewardship.
The council works closely with the pastor to make decisions on the Pastoral Plan for the parish, plan activities, resolve differences among parish organizations, guide financial activities, and strive for the common benefit of the parish community. Through the council, the pastor seeks to strengthen parish unity and mission around Jesus Christ and the Gospel.
The Stewardship Committee is dedicated to fostering a spirit of service among the members of our parish. As stewards of God’s gifts and graces, we are called to share our time, talent and treasure to serve others in God’s name that they might come to know Him through our actions. One of the objectives of the ministry is to match volunteers to ministries that could use their talents. The committee meets monthly.
The Welcoming Committee strives to make Holy Spirit a place where new parishioners feel like they belong. This is a great ministry for a friendly person who would like to be able to serve from their own home and on their own schedule.
Camp Breakaway is a weeklong Catholic summer camp for students entering grades 6 through 9.
The Children’s Choir is open to all grade-school children who love singing God’s praises. They rehearse after Religious Education classes Tuesday afternoons. They sing at one of the Masses about every two months, switching off between the various services.
The annual Christmas Pageant is held on a Sunday afternoon in December, following two Saturday morning practices.
Edge (Middle School Faith Formation) is held on Sunday evenings from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. for youth in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Elementary Religious Education classes meet on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00-5:15 p.m. Open to children in pre-school (age 4 by September 1 of the current school year) through grade 5.
Life Teen is a Catholic youth ministry that incorporates Catholic beliefs, interactive activities and social events. Life Teen (High School Faith Formation) is held Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for youth in grades 9 through 12.
Each Sunday after the evening Mass during the Religious Education year, a meal is served to Edge and Life Teen members. Three crews of volunteers offer their time once every three weeks to serve God by serving His people. An enjoyable ministry open to all parishioners.
Vacation Bible School is held from 9:00 a.m.-noon Monday-Friday for one week during the summer, usually June. It is open to children age 4 by June 1 through grade 5 of the school year just completed
OCIA is the formation process for those who are seeking to become members of the Catholic community. It is a formation process rather than just an instruction class. Although it does have instruction as part of the process, the focus is on conversion and initiation into the community of faith. The hope is that those wanting to become Catholic will not only learn about what it means to be Catholic, but that they will also experience the faith of those who are already members of the Church.
Each catechumen has a sponsor who journeys with them through the process. The role of the sponsor is to share his or her faith journey with the catechumen. Please contact the office if you would like to become a sponsor. People interested in our Catholic faith may inquire anytime.
he Scripture study is a parish-based program that leads people to a greater understanding of the Bible and awareness of God’s living presence in sacred Scripture and shares an appreciation of how the Bible can be applied to daily life. Benefits include:
There are four essential elements of our Scripture Study:
Video-based studies are offered at the church in the fall and range from 8 to 10 weeks in length.
This group of people is responsible for the maintenance needs of the church buildings and grounds. There is a steering committee that looks at long-term maintenance needs (such as a new roof, upgrading lighting system, etc.) and plans these into the church budget. There is also a ministry head that responds to everyday maintenance needs by calling on volunteers.
If you have skills you are willing to share as a volunteer, such as a plumbing, painting, electrician, locksmith, etc., please let us know. Help in this ministry is always needed.
This kitchen needs a cadre of folks who regularly do a thorough cleaning, beyond that done at the end of every use. Volunteers will also be responsible for reorganizing and getting rid of low use items to help keep the kitchen clean and uncluttered.
As our PCC ages there will be more work to do. Repainting door frames, changing light bulbs, easy faucet fixes, storage room shelving, and investigating leaks in the furnace condensate drainage system are examples of the chores that periodically need doing. Please let us know if you are willing to help with this kind of maintenance.
Most years, sprinkler repair involves replacing a sprinkler head that has been damaged, or adjusting a sprinkler so it shoots in the right direction or range.
Each spring there is a task to turn the system on and make sure it is working correctly. Please let us know if you are willing to help with this seasonal job.